Codes and conventions of a music magazine.
Double page spread
- One side is a massive images or more, pictures often bleed across from one page to the other.
- Quote to relate and link image- Hyline- name of journalist who wrote the article positioned in or by the standfirst or at the end of the article. Photographer is also credited.
- Drop capital, as big as you want it to be.
- Imaginative photography
- Headlines across two pages
- Straplines or a broder often used to bleed across double paged spread.
- More than one image sometimes used-smaller images are used to break up the layer and make it more inviting-panals and quotes.
- Standfirst always by headline and before start of the article- intoduces the article. Works witht he headline to tell the reader what is the article is about- also larger font.
- Headlines-creative, eye catching.
- Artists' name are highlighted.
- Page Number/Title of magazine/ Issue date
E.g 2 Mogo January 2009
- Limited use of colour, layed out in columns, usually 3 or 4.
- Strapline- heading/tab
- Creative use of images
- Website address
- Personality of journalist comes through interview, their opinion is shown.